Android Question jaudiotagger wrap


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Is anybody creating a wrapper for jaudiotagger? It would be a very invaluable addition to the b4a libs.

If not, maybe somebody share their code for editing ID3 tags. I'd like my app to be able to edit at least the artist, title, and album fields.



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Longtime User
I use this code to read the tags:

Sub LogMp3Tags(Dir As String, FileName As String)
    Private raf As RandomAccessFile
    raf.Initialize2(Dir, FileName, True, True)
    lblSongTitle.Text = ""
    lblSongArtist.Text = ""
    lblSongAlbum.Text = ""
    lblSongYear.Text = ""
    lblSongComment.Text = ""
    lblSongGenre.Text = ""

    If raf.Size < 128 Then
'        Log("No TAG found.")
    End If
    Private buffer(128) As Byte
    raf.ReadBytes(buffer, 0, 3, raf.Size - 128)
    If BytesToString(buffer, 0, 3, "UTF8") <> "TAG" Then
'        Log("No TAG found.")
    End If
    raf.ReadBytes(buffer, 0, 30, raf.CurrentPosition)
    lblSongTitle.Text = ConvertBytesToString(buffer, 30)

    raf.ReadBytes(buffer, 0, 30, raf.CurrentPosition)
    lblSongArtist.Text = ConvertBytesToString(buffer, 30)
    raf.ReadBytes(buffer, 0, 30, raf.CurrentPosition)
    lblSongAlbum.Text = ConvertBytesToString(buffer, 30)

    raf.ReadBytes(buffer, 0, 4, raf.CurrentPosition)
    lblSongYear.Text = ConvertBytesToString(buffer, 4)

    raf.ReadBytes(buffer, 0, 30, raf.CurrentPosition)
    Private txt As String
    txt = ConvertBytesToString(buffer, 30)
    lblSongComment.Text = txt
    Private genre As Int
    genre = raf.ReadUnsignedByte(raf.CurrentPosition)
    If genre < 255 Then
        lblSongGenre.Text = genre
    End If
End Sub

Sub ConvertBytesToString(Buffer() As Byte, MaxLength As Int) As String
    For i = 0 To MaxLength - 1
        If Buffer(i) = 0 Then Return BytesToString(Buffer, 0, i, "UTF8")
    Return BytesToString(Buffer, 0, MaxLength, "UTF8")
End Sub
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Active Member
Licensed User
unfortunately ID3v1 is almost useless these days as it's limited to 30 characters. We do have a class that can read id3v2.3 but it can't edit them.
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