i'm aving some problems with an app. Sometimes comes out a Java Exception.
This esception says:
"An error occurred in sub: mdlsql_sqltableread(java line:474)
java.lang.runtimeRuntimeException: Object should first be initialized.
Now, i've found the function that has the line 474 in java file:
This is the line 474: _cursor1.setObject((android.database.Cursor)(_sqlcnn.ExecQuery(_strsql)));
Note that when the crash happens i'm not operating with the function that throws the exception. If i do step by step debug it do not crash.
Thanks in advance,
Best Regards
i'm aving some problems with an app. Sometimes comes out a Java Exception.
This esception says:
"An error occurred in sub: mdlsql_sqltableread(java line:474)
java.lang.runtimeRuntimeException: Object should first be initialized.
Now, i've found the function that has the line 474 in java file:
public static anywheresoftware.b4a.sql.SQL.CursorWrapper _sqltableread(anywheresoftware.b4a.BA _ba,anywheresoftware.b4a.sql.SQL _sqlcnn,String _fldlist,String _tbname,String _filter,String _order) throws Exception{
anywheresoftware.b4a.sql.SQL.CursorWrapper _cursor1 = null;
String _strsql = "";
//BA.debugLineNum = 9;BA.debugLine="Sub SQLTableRead(SqlCnn As SQL, FldList As String,";
//BA.debugLineNum = 16;BA.debugLine="Dim Cursor1 As Cursor";
_cursor1 = new anywheresoftware.b4a.sql.SQL.CursorWrapper();
//BA.debugLineNum = 17;BA.debugLine="Dim strSql As String";
_strsql = "";
//BA.debugLineNum = 18;BA.debugLine="If FldList = \"\" Then FldList = \"*\"";
if ((_fldlist).equals("")) {
_fldlist = "*";};
//BA.debugLineNum = 19;BA.debugLine="strSql = \"SELECT \" & FldList & \" FROM \" & TbName";
_strsql = "SELECT "+_fldlist+" FROM "+_tbname;
//BA.debugLineNum = 20;BA.debugLine="If Filter <> \"\" Then strSql = strSql & \" WHERE \"";
if ((_filter).equals("") == false) {
_strsql = _strsql+" WHERE "+_filter;};
//BA.debugLineNum = 21;BA.debugLine="If Order <> \"\" Then strSql = strSql & \" ORDER BY";
if ((_order).equals("") == false) {
_strsql = _strsql+" ORDER BY "+_order;};
//BA.debugLineNum = 23;BA.debugLine="Cursor1 = SqlCnn.ExecQuery(strSql)";
//BA.debugLineNum = 25;BA.debugLine="Return Cursor1";
if (true) return _cursor1;
//BA.debugLineNum = 27;BA.debugLine="End Sub";
return null;
This is the line 474: _cursor1.setObject((android.database.Cursor)(_sqlcnn.ExecQuery(_strsql)));
Note that when the crash happens i'm not operating with the function that throws the exception. If i do step by step debug it do not crash.
Thanks in advance,
Best Regards