Android Question java.lang.RuntimeException: Error loading bitmap.


Well-Known Member
i want to download an image by http utils and after Job.Download...... JobDone event raised successfuly
but then immediately this error happen

the error line is into the httputils library


Well-Known Member
The error happens in the LoadBitmap call. The bitmap is corrupted or the format is not supported.
Ok,so how is this possible to know the bitmap is corrupted or not?
My image is healthy and is .png
This error happen because i'm using a free web hosting
This web host give us a direct link to files but when i entere that in a browser then the img just shown like a "echo" in php and not show any download dialog
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi erel,
I have the same error. I have this from my php script Header( "Content-type:image/jpeg");
and the image file "file.jpg". The error ocurred only with jpg files.

When i use png files and the Header( "Content-Type: image/png"); run fine.

do you know something about it, is there a problem httputils and with the jpg files

I am using okHttp okHttputils2 version 2.20

Thank you
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