I have a library that contains a function and one of the parameters I pass to this function is of the type "java.lang.StringBuffer". What is the equivalent to this in b4a? Thank you.
Sub Get_1_Planet(JD As Double, p_num As Int) As Double
Dim xx(7) As Double
Dim serr As String 'serr must be a java.lang.StringBuffer
Dim iflag As Int
Dim ret_flag As Int
serr = ""
For i = 0 To 255
serr = serr & " "
iflag = 258
ret_flag = swe1.swe_calc_ut(JD, p_num, iflag, xx, serr)
Return xx(0)
End Sub
The function documentation says this:
public int swe_calc_ut(double tjd_ut,
int ipl,
int iflag,
double[] xx,
java.lang.StringBuffer serr)