Dim robot As JavaObject
Dim jo As JavaObject
robot = jo.RunMethodJO("GetApplication",Null).RunMethodJO("createRobot",Null) '<--Fails
robot.RunMethod("keyPress", Array As Object(13))
robot.RunMethod("keyRelease", Array As Object(13))
No problem with java 8_151 and openjfx-8u60
Of course also with the JAWTRobot library fails
is there another way to get the simulation of a keypress?
Ok, this is simply
I see what is the last object that has taken focus and if it is a TextField I write the character directly
but the problem is with Enter, Back, Tab etc.
Txt.Text = Txt.Text & Chr(13) or CRLF
If i want to simulate the Enter key, not active the Event 'Action'
With Back the solution could be found, but for others types of keys or special keys it is a bit difficult if not impossible.