Other javaFlacFileEncoder

As a follow up to the B4a javaFlacEncoder, implementing an encoder is much simpler in B4j as the jar file already includes a full encoder. Unfortunately it relies on the javax.sound libraries which are not available in Android.

The attached project includes a small class that will convert all format wav files supported by the javaFlacEncoder library and play the converted file with the default flac player on your system (if you have one).

If you want more control or to play with the encoder, the class in the project posted to the B4a forum will also work with B4j. https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/javaflacencoder.61853/

Files and documentation are available here: http://javaflacencoder.sourceforge.net/

You will need to download the files from the above link and add the javaFlacEncoder-0.3.1.jar to your additional libs folder.


  • javaFlacFileEncoder.zip
    186.6 KB · Views: 424
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