I am using the UltimateWebView library in my B4A project and trying to inject JavaScript into a specific webpage before it fully loads. I implemented the ShouldInterceptRequest method to check the URL and inject the JavaScript, but it seems that the injection doesn't occur as expected, actually it doesn't occur at all!
Here is my code snippet:
Is there a specific way to ensure that the JavaScript gets injected before the page starts loading? Any insights or suggestions would be appreciated!
This is the full code
Here is my code snippet:
Private Sub UltimateWebView1_ShouldInterceptRequest(Request As WebResourceRequest) As WebResourceResponse
If Request.url.Contains("my website address") Then
Dim Javascript As String = "(function(){ let a = window.setTimeout; let b = window.setInterval; window.setTimeout = function(f, t) { if (t < 10000) a(f, t); else console.log(f, t); }; window.setInterval = function(f, t) { if (t < 10000) b(f, t); else console.log(f, t); } }());"
Log("JavaScript injected before the page loading")
End If
Return Null ' Allow the page to load
End Sub
Is there a specific way to ensure that the JavaScript gets injected before the page starts loading? Any insights or suggestions would be appreciated!
This is the full code
Sub Class_Globals
Private Root As B4XView
Private xui As XUI
Private txtUrl As EditText
Public UltimateWebView1 As UltimateWebView
Private WebChromeClient As UltimateWebChromeClient
Private fp As FileProvider
End Sub
Public Sub Initialize
End Sub
Private Sub B4XPage_Created (Root1 As B4XView)
Root = Root1
Dim URL As String = $"
my website address
txtUrl.Text = URL
WebChromeClient.Initialize2("UltimateWebView1",UltimateWebView1).AllowFullScreenVideo(True,False) 'AllowFullScreenVideo only if you need, it is not necessary to set.
End Sub
Private Sub btnGo_Click
End Sub
Private Sub UltimateWebView1_ShouldInterceptRequest(Request As WebResourceRequest) As WebResourceResponse
' Controlla l'URL della richiesta per determinare se vuoi iniettare il codice
If Request.url.Contains("https://whipwhip") Then ' Sostituisci con l'URL della pagina da caricare
' JavaScript da iniettare
Dim Javascript As String = "(function(){ let a = window.setTimeout; let b = window.setInterval; window.setTimeout = function(f, t) { if (t < 10000) a(f, t); else console.log(f, t); }; window.setInterval = function(f, t) { if (t < 10000) b(f, t); else console.log(f, t); } }());"
' Inietta il codice JavaScript nella pagina
Log("JavaScript iniettato prima del caricamento della pagina")
End If
Return Null ' Permetti il caricamento della pagina
End Sub
Sub UltimateWebView1_EvaluateJavascriptResult(res As String)
Log("Result: " & res)
End Sub
Private Sub UltimateWebView1_OverrideUrl (Request As WebResourceRequest) As Boolean
' Estrai l'URL dalla richiesta
Dim url As String = Request.Url
' Log dell'URL per debug
Log("OverrideUrl = " & url)
' Verifica se l'URL inizia con "https://whipwhip"
If url.StartsWith("https://whipwhip") Then
' Se l'URL è valido, consenti la navigazione
Log("Navigazione consentita per: " & url)
Return False
' Se l'URL non è valido, blocca la navigazione
Log("Navigazione bloccata per: " & url)
Return True
End If
End Sub
Private Sub UltimateWebView1_CreateWindow (OverridenRequest As WebResourceRequest, ChildWebView As WebView, IsDialog As Boolean, IsUserGesture As Boolean) As Boolean
' Estrai l'URL dalla richiesta
Dim url As String = OverridenRequest.Url
' Log dell'URL per debug
Log("CreateWindow URL = " & url)
' Verifica se l'URL inizia con "https://whipwhip"
If url.StartsWith("https://whipwhip") Then
' Se l'URL è valido, consenti la creazione della nuova finestra
Log("Navigazione consentita per: " & url)
Return True ' Consenti la nuova finestra
' Se l'URL non è valido, blocca la creazione della nuova finestra
Log("Popup bloccato per: " & url)
Return False ' Impedisci la nuova finestra
End If
End Sub