I do have nearly zero knowledge about SMB-Protocol. I know Windowsshares and how to access them. But my knowledge about the Different Protocolversions is really low.
About two weeks ago someone contacted me and asked me to write a wrapper for a SMB Library because the available SMB Library only support Protocolversion 1. Due to the securityguidelines he need SMB2 at minimum version.
I started doing a wrap for SMBJ. But when i tried to build an Example i found out that B4A will not compile it. Based on Erels answer the lib is using Android features which are only available starting from Android 8.
A future B4A maybe will have the possibility to set the right flag for the Dexer tool to be able to compile a app using SMBJ. For now it does not work.
Ok, too bad.
I then had a look at jcif-ng I started doing a wrap for this. Only the needed methods to find out if it works at all ;-)I got it working for me. I am using Windows 10 and definetively not have SMB1 support enabled.
I was not able to connect using SMB Library which is expected.
It took me the hole last weekend (12+h/day) to figure it out to build a first libary version which was able to connect to my Windows 10 Shares.
Ok, the lib was "born". It is alive
I then finished all what i think what should be wrapped.
Ok, here we go
This is the B4A Version. A B4J Version is also available.
This is a wrap for this Github-Project.
jcifs-ng is a cleaned-up and improved version of the jCIFS library
jcifs-ng is based on JCIFS
JCIFS is an Open Source client library that implements the CIFS/SMB networking protocol in 100% Java. CIFS is the standard file sharing protocol on the Microsoft Windows platform (e.g. Map Network Drive ...). This client is used extensively in production on large Intranets.
Author: DonManfred
Version: 0.29
- Download Additional needed JARs here. Put them into your Additional-Library folder.
- Download the library attached and put then there too.
Add these lines to your Main module.
Even that i do create the wrapper for a customer the customer allowed me to publish the lib here to make it available to all of you. So i´m pleased to publish the version i do have right now (still in development).
Sponsored by APS-Delta
For any Question/Issue you have: Please create a new thread in the Questionsforum.
I do have nearly zero knowledge about SMB-Protocol. I know Windowsshares and how to access them. But my knowledge about the Different Protocolversions is really low.
About two weeks ago someone contacted me and asked me to write a wrapper for a SMB Library because the available SMB Library only support Protocolversion 1. Due to the securityguidelines he need SMB2 at minimum version.
I started doing a wrap for SMBJ. But when i tried to build an Example i found out that B4A will not compile it. Based on Erels answer the lib is using Android features which are only available starting from Android 8.
A future B4A maybe will have the possibility to set the right flag for the Dexer tool to be able to compile a app using SMBJ. For now it does not work.
Ok, too bad.
I then had a look at jcif-ng I started doing a wrap for this. Only the needed methods to find out if it works at all ;-)I got it working for me. I am using Windows 10 and definetively not have SMB1 support enabled.
I was not able to connect using SMB Library which is expected.
It took me the hole last weekend (12+h/day) to figure it out to build a first libary version which was able to connect to my Windows 10 Shares.
Ok, the lib was "born". It is alive
I then finished all what i think what should be wrapped.
Ok, here we go
This is the B4A Version. A B4J Version is also available.
This is a wrap for this Github-Project.
jcifs-ng is a cleaned-up and improved version of the jCIFS library
jcifs-ng is based on JCIFS
JCIFS is an Open Source client library that implements the CIFS/SMB networking protocol in 100% Java. CIFS is the standard file sharing protocol on the Microsoft Windows platform (e.g. Map Network Drive ...). This client is used extensively in production on large Intranets.
Author: DonManfred
Version: 0.29
- SMBClient
- Events:
- Children (success As Boolean, children As List)
- CopyProgress (totalBytes As Int, path As String, filename As String)
- CopyResult (success As Boolean, path As String, filename As String)
- CopyTo (success As Boolean, smbResource As SMBResource, smbfile As SMBFile)
- Delete (success As Boolean, toDelete As SmbFile)
- FileAvailable (smbfile As SMBFile)
- ListFiles (filelist As List)
- Resource (success As Boolean, smbResource As SMBResource, smbfile As SMBFile, info As String)
- ResourceAvailable (smbResource As SMBResource)
- Functions:
- Copy (inputFile As jcifs.smb.SmbFile, destPath As String, destFilename As String)
- Copy2 (srcPath As String, srcFilename As String, destPath As jcifs.smb.SmbFile, destFilename As String)
- CopyTo (src As jcifs.smb.SmbFile, dest As jcifs.smb.SmbFile)
- CreateSmbFile (parent As jcifs.smb.SmbFile, fileorfolder As String) As jcifs.smb.SmbFile
- delete (todelete As jcifs.smb.SmbFile)
- GetChildren (res As jcifs.SmbResource)
- GetChildren2 (res As jcifs.SmbResource, filter As String)
- GetResourcefromUrl (url As String)
Get a SmbResource AND a SmbFile from the given URL
Raises the Event SMBClient_Resource(smbobjres As Object,smbobj As Object) - GetResourcefromUrl2 (url As String)
Get a SmbResource AND a SmbFile from the given URL
Raises the Event SMBClient_Resource(smbobjres As Object,smbobj As Object) - GetSmbFilefromUrl (url As String)
- Initialize (EventName As String, domain As String, userName As String, password As String, url As String)
- listFiles (inputFile As jcifs.smb.SmbFile)
List the contents of this SMB resource as an array of
<code>SmbResource</code> objects. This method is much more efficient than
the regular <code>list</code> method when querying attributes of each
file in the result set.
The list of <code>SmbResource</code>s returned by this method will be;
<li>files and directories contained within this resource if the
resource is a normal disk file directory,
<li>all available NetBIOS workgroups or domains if this resource is
the top level URL <code>smb://</code>,
<li>all servers registered as members of a NetBIOS workgroup if this
resource refers to a workgroup in a <code>smb://workgroup/</code> URL,
<li>all browseable shares of a server including printers, IPC
services, or disk volumes if this resource is a server URL in the form
<li>or <code>null</code> if the resource cannot be resolved.
If strict resource lifecycle is used, make sure you close the individual files after use.
Return type: @return:An array of <code>SmbResource</code> objects representing file
and directories, workgroups, servers, or shares depending on the context
of the resource URL - listFiles2 (inputFile As jcifs.smb.SmbFile, wildcard As String)
The CIFS protocol provides for DOS "wildcards" to be used as
a performance enhancement. The client does not have to filter
the names and the server does not have to return all directory
The wildcard expression may consist of two special meta
characters in addition to the normal filename characters. The '*'
character matches any number of characters in part of a name. If
the expression begins with one or more '?'s then exactly that
many characters will be matched whereas if it ends with '?'s
it will match that many characters <i>or less</i>.
Wildcard expressions will not filter workgroup names or server names.
winnt> ls c?o*
clock.avi -rw-- 82944 Mon Oct 14 1996 1:38 AM
Cookies drw-- 0 Fri Nov 13 1998 9:42 PM
2 items in 5ms
If strict resource lifecycle is used, make sure you close the individual files after use.
wildcard: a wildcard expression
Return type: @return:An array of <code>SmbResource</code> objects representing file
and directories, workgroups, servers, or shares depending on the context
of the resource URL - xxx
- Events:
- SMBFile
- Functions:
- addRequestProperty (arg0 As String, arg1 As String)
- close
- connect
- createNewFile
- exists As Boolean
- fileIndex As Long
- Initialize (url As String, ctx As jcifs.CIFSContext)
- IsInitialized As Boolean
- listByFilter (filter As jcifs.smb.SmbFilenameFilter) As String()
List the contents of this SMB resource. The list returned will be
identical to the list returned by the parameterless <code>list()</code>
method minus filenames filtered by the specified filter.
filter: a filename filter to exclude filenames from the results
Return type: @return:<code>String[]</code> array of matching files and directories,
workgroups, servers, or shares depending on the context of the
resource URL
- Properties:
- AllowUserInteraction As Boolean [read only]
- Attributes As Int [read only]
- CanonicalPath As String [read only]
Returns the full URL of this SMB resource with '.' and '..' components
factored out. An <code>SmbFile</code> constructed with the result of
this method will result in an <code>SmbFile</code> that is equal to
the original. - CanonicalUncPath As String [read only]
Returns the Windows UNC style path with backslashes instead of forward slashes. - ConnectTimeout As Int [read only]
- Content As Object [read only]
- ContentEncoding As String [read only]
- ContentLengthLong As Long [read only]
- ContentType As String [read only]
- Context As jcifs.CIFSContext [read only]
- createTime As Long [read only]
- Date As Long [read only]
- DefaultUseCaches As Boolean [read only]
- DfsPath As String [read only]
If the path of this <code>SmbFile</code> falls within a DFS volume,
this method will return the referral path to which it maps. Otherwise
<code>null</code> is returned. - DiskFreeSpace As Long [read only]
- isDirectory As Boolean [read only]
- isFile As Boolean [read only]
- isHidden As Boolean [read only]
- lastAccess As Long [read only]
- lastModified As Long [read only]
- length As Long [read only]
- Name As String [read only]
- Parent As String [read only]
Everything but the last component of the URL representing this SMB
resource is effectively it's parent. The root URL <code>smb://</code>
does not have a parent. In this case <code>smb://</code> is returned. - Path As String [read only]
Returns the full uncanonicalized URL of this SMB resource. An
<code>SmbFile</code> constructed with the result of this method will
result in an <code>SmbFile</code> that is equal to the original. - Server As String [read only]
Retrieve the hostname of the server for this SMB resource. If this
<code>SmbFile</code> references a workgroup, the name of the workgroup
is returned. If this <code>SmbFile</code> refers to the root of this
SMB network hierarchy, <code>null</code> is returned. - ServerWithDfs As String [read only]
Retrieve the hostname of the server for this SMB resource. If the resources has been resolved by DFS this will
return the target name. - Share As String [read only]
Retrieves the share associated with this SMB resource. In
the case of <code>smb://</code>, <code>smb://workgroup/</code>,
and <code>smb://server/</code> URLs which do not specify a share,
<code>null</code> will be returned. - TreeHandle As jcifs.SmbTreeHandle [read only]
- UncPath As String [read only]
- Functions:
- SMBResource
- Functions:
- canRead As Boolean
Tests to see if the file this <code>SmbResource</code> represents can be
read. Because any file, directory, or other resource can be read if it
exists, this method simply calls the <code>exists</code> method.
Return type: @return:<code>true</code> if the file is read-only - canWrite As Boolean
Tests to see if the file this <code>SmbResource</code> represents
exists and is not marked read-only. By default, resources are
considered to be read-only and therefore for <code>smb://</code>,
<code>smb://workgroup/</code>, and <code>smb://server/</code> resources
will be read-only.
Return type: @return:<code>true</code> if the resource exists is not marked
read-only - children As jcifs.CloseableIterator
Fetch all children
Return type: @return:an iterator over the child resources - children2 (wildcard As String) As jcifs.CloseableIterator
Fetch children matching pattern, server-side filtering
The wildcard expression may consist of two special meta
characters in addition to the normal filename characters. The '*'
character matches any number of characters in part of a name. If
the expression begins with one or more '?'s then exactly that
many characters will be matched whereas if it ends with '?'s
it will match that many characters <i>or less</i>.
Wildcard expressions will not filter workgroup names or server names.
Return type: @return:an iterator over the child resources - children3 (filter As String) As jcifs.CloseableIterator
- children4 (filter As jcifs.ResourceFilter) As jcifs.CloseableIterator
filter: filter acting on SmbResource instances
Return type: @return:an iterator over the child resources - close
Close/release the file
This releases all resources that this file holds. If not using strict mode this is currently a no-op. - copyTo (dest As jcifs.SmbResource)
This method will copy the file or directory represented by this
<tt>SmbResource</tt> and it's sub-contents to the location specified by the
<tt>dest</tt> parameter. This file and the destination file do not
need to be on the same host. This operation does not copy extended
file attributes such as ACLs but it does copy regular attributes as
well as create and last write times. This method is almost twice as
efficient as manually copying as it employs an additional write
thread to read and write data concurrently.
It is not possible (nor meaningful) to copy entire workgroups or
dest: the destination file or directory - createNewFile
Create a new file but fail if it already exists. The check for
existence of the file and it's creation are an atomic operation with
respect to other filesystem activities. - createTime As Long
Retrieve the time this <code>SmbResource</code> was created. The value
returned is suitable for constructing a {@link java.util.Date} object
(i.e. seconds since Epoch 1970). Times should be the same as those
reported using the properties dialog of the Windows Explorer program.
For Win95/98/Me this is actually the last write time. It is currently
not possible to retrieve the create time from files on these systems.
Return type: @return:The number of milliseconds since the 00:00:00 GMT, January 1,
1970 as a <code>long</code> value - delete
This method will delete the file or directory specified by this
<code>SmbResource</code>. If the target is a directory, the contents of
the directory will be deleted as well. If a file within the directory or
it's sub-directories is marked read-only, the read-only status will
be removed and the file will be deleted.
If the file has been opened before, it will be closed. - exists As Boolean
Tests to see if the SMB resource exists. If the resource refers
only to a server, this method determines if the server exists on the
network and is advertising SMB services. If this resource refers to
a workgroup, this method determines if the workgroup name is valid on
the local SMB network. If this <code>SmbResource</code> refers to the root
<code>smb://</code> resource <code>true</code> is always returned. If
this <code>SmbResource</code> is a traditional file or directory, it will
be queried for on the specified server as expected.
Return type: @return:<code>true</code> if the resource exists or is alive or
<code>false</code> otherwise - fileIndex As Long
Get the file index
Return type: @return:server side file index, 0 if unavailable - getOwnerGroup2 (resolve As Boolean) As jcifs.SID
Return the owner group SID for this file or directory
resolve: whether to resolve the group name
Return type: @return:the owner group SID, <code>null</code> if not present - getOwnerUser2 (resolve As Boolean) As jcifs.SID
Return the owner user SID for this file or directory
resolve: whether to resolve the user name
Return type: @return:the owner user SID, <code>null</code> if not present - getSecurity2 (resolveSids As Boolean) As jcifs.ACE()
Return an array of Access Control Entry (ACE) objects representing
the security descriptor associated with this file or directory.
If no DACL is present, null is returned. If the DACL is empty, an array with 0 elements is returned.
resolveSids: Attempt to resolve the SIDs within each ACE form
their numeric representation to their corresponding account names.
Return type: @return:array of ACEs - getShareSecurity (resolveSids As Boolean) As jcifs.ACE()
Return an array of Access Control Entry (ACE) objects representing
the share permissions on the share exporting this file or directory.
If no DACL is present, null is returned. If the DACL is empty, an array with 0 elements is returned.
Note that this is different from calling <tt>getSecurity</tt> on a
share. There are actually two different ACLs for shares - the ACL on
the share and the ACL on the folder being shared.
Go to <i>Computer Management</i>
> <i>System Tools</i> > <i>Shared Folders</i> > <i>Shares</i> and
look at the <i>Properties</i> for a share. You will see two tabs - one
for "Share Permissions" and another for "Security". These correspond to
the ACLs returned by <tt>getShareSecurity</tt> and <tt>getSecurity</tt>
resolveSids: Attempt to resolve the SIDs within each ACE form
their numeric representation to their corresponding account names.
Return type: @return:array of ACEs - Initialize (ctx As jcifs.SmbResource)
- isDirectory As Boolean
Tests to see if the file this <code>SmbResource</code> represents is a directory.
Return type: @return:<code>true</code> if this <code>SmbResource</code> is a directory - isFile As Boolean
Tests to see if the file this <code>SmbResource</code> represents is not a directory.
Return type: @return:<code>true</code> if this <code>SmbResource</code> is not a directory - isHidden As Boolean
Tests to see if the file this SmbResource represents is marked as
hidden. This method will also return true for shares with names that
end with '$' such as <code>IPC$</code> or <code>C$</code>.
Return type: @return:<code>true</code> if the <code>SmbResource</code> is marked as being hidden - IsInitialized As Boolean
- length As Long
Returns the length of this <tt>SmbResource</tt> in bytes. If this object
is a <tt>TYPE_SHARE</tt> the total capacity of the disk shared in
bytes is returned. If this object is a directory or a type other than
<tt>TYPE_SHARE</tt>, 0L is returned.
Return type: @return:The length of the file in bytes or 0 if this
<code>SmbResource</code> is not a file. - mkdir
Creates a directory with the path specified by this
<code>SmbResource</code>. For this method to be successful, the target
must not already exist. This method will fail when
used with <code>smb://</code>, <code>smb://workgroup/</code>,
<code>smb://server/</code>, or <code>smb://server/share/</code> URLs
because workgroups, servers, and shares cannot be dynamically created
(although in the future it may be possible to create shares). - mkdirs
Creates a directory with the path specified by this <tt>SmbResource</tt>
and any parent directories that do not exist. This method will fail
when used with <code>smb://</code>, <code>smb://workgroup/</code>,
<code>smb://server/</code>, or <code>smb://server/share/</code> URLs
because workgroups, servers, and shares cannot be dynamically created
(although in the future it may be possible to create shares). - openInputStream As
Opens an input stream reading the file (read only, sharable)
Return type: @return:input stream, needs to be closed when finished - openInputStream2 (sharing As Int) As
Opens an input stream reading the file (read only)
sharing: flags indicating for which operations others may open the file (FILE_SHARING_*)
Return type: @return:input stream, needs to be closed when finished - openInputStream3 (flags As Int, access As Int, sharing As Int) As
Opens an input stream reading the file (read only)
flags: open flags
access: desired access flags
sharing: flags indicating for which operations others may open the file (FILE_SHARING_*)
Return type: @return:input stream, needs to be closed when finished - openOutputStream (append As Boolean) As java.i
Opens an output stream writing to the file (write only, read sharable)
append: whether to append to or truncate the input
Return type: @returnutput stream, needs to be closed when finished - openOutputStream0 As java.i
Opens an output stream writing to the file (truncating, write only, sharable)
Return type: @returnutput stream, needs to be closed when finished - openOutputStream2 (append As Boolean, sharing As Int) As java.i
Opens an output stream writing to the file (write only, exclusive write access)
append: whether to append to or truncate the input
sharing: flags indicating for which operations others may open the file (FILE_SHARING_*)
Return type: @returnutput stream, needs to be closed when finished - openOutputStream4 (append As Boolean, openFlags As Int, access As Int, sharing As Int) As java.i
Opens an output stream writing to the file (write only, exclusive write access)
append: whether to append to or truncate the input
openFlags: flags for open operation
access: desired file access flags
sharing: flags indicating for which operations others may open the file
Return type: @returnutput stream, needs to be closed when finished - openRandomAccess (mode As String) As jcifs.SmbRandomAccess
Opens the file for random access
mode: access mode (r|rw)
Return type: @return:random access file, needs to be closed when finished - openRandomAccess2 (mode As String, sharing As Int) As jcifs.SmbRandomAccess
Opens the file for random access
mode: access mode (r|rw)
sharing: flags indicating for which operations others may concurrently open the file
Return type: @return:random access file, needs to be closed when finished - renameTo (dest As jcifs.SmbResource)
Changes the name of the file this <code>SmbResource</code> represents to the name
designated by the <code>SmbResource</code> argument.
<i>Remember: <code>SmbResource</code>s are immutable and therefore
the path associated with this <code>SmbResource</code> object will not
change). To access the renamed file it is necessary to construct a
new <tt>SmbResource</tt></i>.
dest: An <code>SmbResource</code> that represents the new pathname - renameTo2 (dest As jcifs.SmbResource, replace As Boolean)
Changes the name of the file this <code>SmbResource</code> represents to the name
designated by the <code>SmbResource</code> argument.
<i>Remember: <code>SmbResource</code>s are immutable and therefore
the path associated with this <code>SmbResource</code> object will not
change). To access the renamed file it is necessary to construct a
new <tt>SmbResource</tt></i>.
dest: An <code>SmbResource</code> that represents the new pathname
replace: Whether an existing destination file should be replaced (only supported with SMB2) - resolve (name As String) As jcifs.SmbResource
Fetch a child resource
Return type: @return:the child resource - setReadOnly
Make this file read-only. This is shorthand for <tt>setAttributes(
getAttributes() | ATTR_READ_ONLY )</tt>. - setReadWrite
Turn off the read-only attribute of this file. This is shorthand for
<tt>setAttributes( getAttributes() & ~ATTR_READONLY )</tt>. - watch (filter As Int, recursive As Boolean) As jcifs.SmbWatchHandle
- watch2 (filter As Int, recursive As Boolean) As jcifs.SmbWatchHandle
Creates a directory watch
The server will notify the client when there are changes to the directories contents
filter: see constants in {@link FileNotifyInformation}
recursive: whether to also watch subdirectories
Return type: @return:watch context, needs to be closed when finished
- canRead As Boolean
- Properties:
- Attributes As Int
Return the attributes of this file. Attributes are represented as a
bitset that must be masked with <tt>ATTR_*</tt> constants to determine
if they are set or unset. The value returned is suitable for use with
the <tt>setAttributes()</tt> method. - Context As jcifs.CIFSContext [read only]
The context this file was opened with - DiskFreeSpace As Long [read only]
This method returns the free disk space in bytes of the drive this share
represents or the drive on which the directory or file resides. Objects
other than <tt>TYPE_SHARE</tt> or <tt>TYPE_FILESYSTEM</tt> will result
in 0L being returned. - LastAccess As Long [write only]
Set the last access time of the file. The time is specified as milliseconds
from Jan 1, 1970 which is the same as that which is returned by the
<tt>lastModified()</tt>, <tt>getLastModified()</tt>, and <tt>getDate()</tt> methods.
This method does not apply to workgroups, servers, or shares. - LastModified As Long [write only]
Set the last modified time of the file. The time is specified as milliseconds
from Jan 1, 1970 which is the same as that which is returned by the
<tt>lastModified()</tt>, <tt>getLastModified()</tt>, and <tt>getDate()</tt> methods.
This method does not apply to workgroups, servers, or shares. - Locator As jcifs.SmbResourceLocator [read only]
Gets the file locator for this file
The file locator provides details about - Name As String [read only]
Returns the last component of the target URL. This will
effectively be the name of the file or directory represented by this
<code>SmbResource</code> or in the case of URLs that only specify a server
or workgroup, the server or workgroup will be returned. The name of
the root URL <code>smb://</code> is also <code>smb://</code>. If this
<tt>SmbResource</tt> refers to a workgroup, server, share, or directory,
the name will include a trailing slash '/' so that composing new
<tt>SmbResource</tt>s will maintain the trailing slash requirement. - OwnerGroup As jcifs.SID [read only]
Return the resolved owner group SID for this file or directory - OwnerUser As jcifs.SID [read only]
Return the resolved owner user SID for this file or directory - Security As jcifs.ACE() [read only]
Return an array of Access Control Entry (ACE) objects representing
the security descriptor associated with this file or directory.
Initially, the SIDs within each ACE will not be resolved however when
<tt>getType()</tt>, <tt>getDomainName()</tt>, <tt>getAccountName()</tt>,
or <tt>toString()</tt> is called, the names will attempt to be
resolved. If the names cannot be resolved (e.g. due to temporary
network failure), the said methods will return default values (usually
<tt>S-X-Y-Z</tt> strings of fragments of).
Alternatively <tt>getSecurity(true)</tt> may be used to resolve all
SIDs together and detect network failures. - Type As Int [read only]
Returns type of of object this <tt>SmbResource</tt> represents.
- Attributes As Int
- Functions:
- Functions:
- Initialize (ctx As jcifs.SID)
- IsInitialized As Boolean
- toDisplayString As String
Return a String representing this SID ideal for display to
users. This method should return the same text that the ACL
editor in Windows would display.
Specifically, if the SID has
been resolved and it is not a domain SID or builtin account,
the full DOMAIN\name form of the account will be
returned (e.g. MYDOM\alice or MYDOM\Domain Users).
If the SID has been resolved but it is is a domain SID,
only the domain name will be returned (e.g. MYDOM).
If the SID has been resolved but it is a builtin account,
only the name component will be returned (e.g. SYSTEM).
If the sid cannot be resolved the numeric representation from
toString() is returned.
Return type: @return:display format, potentially with resolved names
- Properties:
- AccountName As String [read only]
Return the sAMAccountName of this SID unless it could not
be resolved in which case the numeric RID is returned. If this
SID is a domain SID, this method will return an empty String. - DomainName As String [read only]
Return the domain name of this SID unless it could not be
resolved in which case the numeric representation is returned. - DomainSid As jcifs.SID [read only]
- Rid As Int [read only]
Get the RID
This is the last subauthority identifier - Type As Int [read only]
Returns the type of this SID indicating the state or type of account.
SID types are described in the following table.
<table summary="Type codes">
<td>Domain group</td>
<td>Local group</td>
<td>Builtin group</td>
</table> - TypeText As String [read only]
Return text representing the SID type suitable for display to
users. Text includes 'User', 'Domain group', 'Local group', etc.
- AccountName As String [read only]
- Functions:
- Download Additional needed JARs here. Put them into your Additional-Library folder.
- Download the library attached and put then there too.
Add these lines to your Main module.
#AdditionalJar: slf4j-api-1.7.25.jar
#AdditionalJar: bctls-jdk15on-
#AdditionalJar: bcprov-jdk15on-1.59.jar
Even that i do create the wrapper for a customer the customer allowed me to publish the lib here to make it available to all of you. So i´m pleased to publish the version i do have right now (still in development).
Sponsored by APS-Delta
For any Question/Issue you have: Please create a new thread in the Questionsforum.
Last edited: