B4J Library jControlsFX9 - ControlsFX for Java 9


  • jControlsFX9.zip
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Licensed User
Longtime User
I'm having an issue with this lib.
I'mm currently using RangeSlider, which works OK except I cannot use it with the Sender keyword.

I am trying to use one single event as event to 4 RangeSliders and thus using:
Dim RS as RangeSlide = Sender
Log(RS.tag) 'Does Nothing

the Tag property just seem to not have been exposed(?!)
[EDIT] Further testing, If I set the Tag in code, the above code works, so it seems to be missed out designer property set


Licensed User
Longtime User
Yes but filling it does nothing, that was what I meant.
Set it in the designer and the try to log it... It's empty!
But if you set it in code, it works


Licensed User
Longtime User
Ok, thanks... Custom views...phew!
Still I just love creating them!
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