With JDA you are able to create a Bot for Discord.
Find out more about Discord-Bots in the Discord-Developer-Portal
You need to add the following jars to your Project.
They are all inside the follwing zip which can be downloaded from my Dropbox as the file-size is more than 500kb.
Download here:
You´ll need to download the newest JDA.jar here:
Download JDA-5.0.0-beta.2.jar and put it in your additional libs folder. Also remember to reference it using
The following code is needed in your appstart
onReady is called when the JDA has finished initialisation and you can now use Api methods.
onMessageReceived is the main-entry point for you as the Developer.
Every Message the Bot receives raises this Event. You even get Events for Message you send.
onGuildMemberJoin is a Event which is raised the First Time a new User Logged in into your Discord Server.
Or better. A user Logged in into one of the Guilds your Bot has Access to.
Please create a new Thread for any Question or Issues you have with this Library in the B4J Questions Forum. Prefix your Thread with [JDA] please.
You won´t get Support in this Thread.
Discord - Group Chat That’s All Fun & Games
Discord is great for playing games and chilling with friends, or even building a worldwide community. Customize your own space to talk, play, and hang out.
Find out more about Discord-Bots in the Discord-Developer-Portal
Discord Developer Portal — API Docs for Bots and Developers
Integrate your service with Discord — whether it's a bot or a game or whatever your wildest imagination can come up with.
You need to add the following jars to your Project.
'#AdditionalJar: mysql-connector-java-5.1.34-bin
#AdditionalJar: jackson-databind-2.10.1
#AdditionalJar: jackson-core-2.10.1
#AdditionalJar: jackson-annotations-2.11.0
#AdditionalJar: okhttp-3.13.0
#AdditionalJar: slf4j-api-1.7.25
#AdditionalJar: slf4j-jdk14-1.7.25
#AdditionalJar: commons-collections4-4.1
#AdditionalJar: okio-2.6.0
#AdditionalJar: kotlin-stdlib-1.3.41
#AdditionalJar: kotlin-stdlib-jdk8-1.3.41
#AdditionalJar: nv-websocket-client-2.14
#AdditionalJar: trove4j-3.0.3
They are all inside the follwing zip which can be downloaded from my Dropbox as the file-size is more than 500kb.
Download here:
You´ll need to download the newest JDA.jar here:
Download JDA-5.0.0-beta.2.jar and put it in your additional libs folder. Also remember to reference it using
The following code is needed in your appstart
Dim b As JDABuilder
b.Initialize2(token) ' String token from Developersite
Dim sh As DefaultShardManagerBuilder
onReady is called when the JDA has finished initialisation and you can now use Api methods.
Sub JDA_onReady(event As Object)
End Sub
onMessageReceived is the main-entry point for you as the Developer.
Every Message the Bot receives raises this Event. You even get Events for Message you send.
Sub JDA_onMessageReceived(event As Object)
Dim ev As MessageReceivedEvent = event
End Sub
onGuildMemberJoin is a Event which is raised the First Time a new User Logged in into your Discord Server.
Or better. A user Logged in into one of the Guilds your Bot has Access to.
Sub JDA_onGuildMemberJoin(event As GuildMemberJoinEvent)
'Dim ev As GuildMemberJoinEvent = event
Log($"GuildMemberJoin.Member ${event.Member}"$)
Log($"GuildMemberJoin.User ${event.User}"$)
End Sub
Please create a new Thread for any Question or Issues you have with this Library in the B4J Questions Forum. Prefix your Thread with [JDA] please.
You won´t get Support in this Thread.
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