The Excel library is a new library that wraps the open source jexcel project and allows you to read or write Excel workbooks. This library supports XLS files. The new xml based format (xslx) is not supported. Setup - Download the attached library and copy both files to the libraries folder. -...
The Excel library is a new library that wraps the open source jexcel project and allows you to read or write Excel workbooks. This library supports XLS files. The new xml based format (xslx) is not supported. Setup - Download the attached library and copy both files to the libraries folder. -...
Yes, you can change BackgroundColor using RGB value, but you need to override the color member of the cellFormat using javaobject or convert RGB color to jxl.format.Color with inline java.
Dim j as javaobject = newWorkbook
j.runmethod("setColourRGB", Array(cellFormat.COLOR_GREY_25_PERCENT, 0, 255, 0))
cellFormat.BackgroundColor = cellFormat.COLOR_GREY_25_PERCENT