B4J Library jLibGDXemulator - The easiest way to port your B4A LibGDX games


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I don't know exactly because I did not try to estimate how much of the LibGDX code for B4A can be reused (probably 80-85%). If someone has at least 1000 euros to spend in that, I will surely have a look to it.

Ok i think 1000 euro is a fair price for such a job.

I am interested. i am sure we can get the money for that job. @wonder advised to start a crowfound for that what i think is a great idea.
if we want to get into the desktop gaming area with b4j we need to have a strong game engine that has a great physic engine in it (box2d)

@Erel also mentioned that with b4j we could make games for the Mac Store and this is something i would like to do.

i will let you know when we have the money.

thanx, ilan


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LibGDX is basically OpenGL + Box2D (+ some more utilities and classes), packed as a user friendly bundle... I don't think JavaFX relates to it in any way...

But libgdx has also views like buttons, panels, labels,... so i think erel ask if those views are compatible with JavaFx


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Bad news. It's technically very complicated to render a scene into a JavaFX node with OpenGL as libGDX does (JavaFX can use OpenGL internally but you don't have a direct access). I don't think I want to delve into such troubles so I suggest to continue to use the JavaFX Canvas and 3D graphics classes (are the 3D classes wrapped for B4J?).
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