B4J Question JMqtt 1.25


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My B4J project uses the JMqtt 1.25 library to communicate with a Mosquitto server installed on the same machine where my application runs. There are about a hundred devices connected to the server that send messages on various topics with an average payload length of 220 bytes.

Lately, after a few hours of operation, I stop receiving messages, and when I try to send one, I don't receive any error messages from the
Publish2(topic, cmd.GetBytes("UTF8"), 0, True) method, which I log in a text file.

After about twenty minutes, all queued messages are delivered to the client.
In the meantime, using MQTTX to monitor the queue by subscribing to #, I see all the messages sent by the devices but not those from my client. These client messages are delivered only when I start receiving messages from the Mosquitto queue again.
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