I have found the source of the problem. The string contains characters which are encoded like this %20 or %C3 or %PC which are German Umlauts. Getstring goes astray after this. There is a getstring2 function in okHttpUtils2 which should deal with encoded chars, but I have not found an example of how to use it.
Yes .... it may not be a valid UTF8 string .... download a copy of the page using "curl" as mentioned in my previous post. Then serve the page locally to your sub while trying different encodings. You can search this forum for the different types of encodings available. In fact, the html file may tell you which encoding to use. For example: Look for "charset" or "content-type" tags in the file.
Also try
result = job.GetString2("Windows-1252")
In fact, you may be able to figure it out using the above checks without having to download a local copy of the page first.