I have attached the jRDC error message as an attachment (see addressinuse.png).
I have a b4a program on a handheld and a windows program for normal pcs accesssing the same database. I need both accessing the same database. Obviously it works fine in a local network, but when I try to access the DB through the web, it does not work.
I am using the following connection in my vb.net program:
connstring = "Data Source=" & My.Settings.connserver & ",1433" & ";" & "Network Library=DBMSSOCN;" & "Initial Catalog=" & My.Settings.conndatabase & ";" & "User Id=" & My.Settings.connusername & ";" & "Password=" & My.Settings.connpassword
In the jRDC2 config file I am using the following settings:
The settings in my MS SQL Server Configuration Manager are the following (see settingsserver.png)