Share My Creation JS New News?

Check discreetly for new mail or SMS, without watching.
And forward your incoming SMS to a Mail account!

You're device is in silent mode (and it's impossible or impolite to look at the display)? But you still want to check if there is at least one new mail or short message? Or you're not sure whether you've missed a notification?

With "New News?" just raise your smartphone a bit (30°) and the weak vibration in your hand tells you (and only you!) if it's time to make a break...

Google Play Store:

My problems with B4A/Android:

It's impossible (at least I haven't found any solution) to receive an intent for new mails. Therefor the service uses POP3 every 5 minutes.

In sleep mode it's impossible to note any movement of the device. Therefor the service runs in PartialLock-mode.

Any ideas for new features?

I already think about some more options:
- orientation threshold (currently 30°)
- mail-check-intervall (currently every 5 minutes),
- vibration-idle (currently 30 seconds)
- and -duration (currently 1 second when there are New News)
- checking only for mail or SMS (currently both)
- different signals (vibration, sound, flash light) for SMS and mail
- special signals for specific senders
- ...

What do you think?


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Jost aus Soest

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Maybe you should release the partial lock after awhile

That would be very nice! But while sleeping, how can the app notice any movement to give some signal (vibration) if there are news?

My use case is exactly that:
I'm in an important meeting/appointment (so it's not good to play with the smartphone). But after awhile I'm getting curious for news...

BTW, maybe you already know the answer:
Is the last message in POP3_ListCompleted for sure the mail with the newest time stamp? (Than I could save some processing time...)

Jost aus Soest

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Longtime User
New Version!

Thanks to wl (Wim) and of course Erel I was able to improve my app a lot:
- SMS2Mail: forward new SMS to mail address
- selectable feedback Signal (the sound you hear, when you lift your device)
- selectable alarm Signal (the sound you hear, when there are new news)
- more reliable mail checking
- you can check by rotating any of the three axis
- selectable mail checking interval
- SMS only mode

On my to do list:
- configurable start at boot
- orientation threshold (currently 30°)
- vibration-idle (currently 30 seconds)
- different signals (vibration, sound, flash light) for SMS and mail
- special signals for specific senders
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