B4J Question jServer and GUI

Kevin Hartin

Active Member
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I am doing my first B4J project and have a working proof of concept for what I want to do, but I now need to add a GUI page to enter data to the server.

Is this possible when using Server, or do I need to build a separate B4J GUI app and talk to Server by HTTP requests?


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I am doing my first B4J project and have a working proof of concept for what I want to do, but I now need to add a GUI page to enter data to the server.

Is this possible when using Server, or do I need to build a separate B4J GUI app and talk to Server by HTTP requests?
You can't use jserver with javafx. The best way to interact with the server is to create an webapp with html thru http or web sockets.
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The best way to interact with the server is to create an webapp with html thru http or web sockets
Or, use ABMaterial for your web app. Once you get it (rather trivial but requires "some" learning) - you get it...
I get it and embrace it. It is so much easier than anything else out there at present. Gets the job done WITHOUT the frustration.
In essance - it WORKS...

Above is my personal opinion - choose your own level of learning and frustration which may include your presenataion of UI ( desktop Windows style or Modern Browser ). Also, dealing with data is simple.
As Shawn Connery stated in a famous movie... - "What Are You Prepared To Do"?

Many have learned this framework and have embraced it. Yet few of these adopters speak up on the virtues since it requires a seemingly endless explainion of how to deal with it.
I know, you can handle it, work with it - and excel. Like the others who remain silent, (and those that don't), it is far easier than all the other processes you must master to get to this level of creating a "web app".

Again - as I must always state - without this framework - I would NEVER have created functional web apps that work. I tried cobbling together all the disparate components (HTML5, JavaScript, Ajax, CSS, etc) and extreme learning curve) to make "something" work - to no avail and extreme frustration.

Quite frankly, I am tired of expounding the virtues of this framework, each and every time someone asks of how to create a web app....
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Kevin Hartin

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I got it all worked out, I think.

I have created a GUI app that uses jServer and a Handler to receive HTTP requests which I then send off as a HTTPS request to the remote server using jOkHttpUtils2, receive a response, process it and send an acknowledgement back to the original HTTP requestor using the jServer ServletResponse feaqture.

It all works great now. Thanks to everyone...
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Quite frankly, I am tired of expounding the virtues of this framework, each and every time someone asks of how to create a web app....
Geeezzz, I often can't see past my own nose....
If I was more intelligent (debatable and doubtful), I would have created a single thread that explains all of my thoughts and simply added a link to it whenever I see such a post.
I guess I need to learn how to use such forums more effectively - instead of complaining about repeating myself... (and you thought Trump was stupid - yes, I biggest dummie...)
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Kevin Hartin

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You can't use jserver with javafx. The best way to interact with the server is to create an webapp with html thru http or web sockets.

I am not explicitly using any jFX functionality, despite not being able to de-select it from the Libraries Manager.

Why is Server such an issue with a GUI app?

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Erel has mentioned several times that javafx and jetty uses different threading mechanisms.

Also for what I know. When you select a UI project in the Ide it will behave differently as when you do a non UI.
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