Hello folks
I have this odd phenomenon with jServer/jetty in which the server startup occasionally fails with a messages that the log folder/files are inaccessible.
The way to get it working again is to delete the folder entirely.
Now unfortunately it is very sporadic and I accidently closed the log output before I saved it and then decided to ask on the forums.
It is a bit annoying in production and I wondered if I could turn of these requestlogs entirely.
In general it just says something like
2023-04-20 08:28:21.295:INFO
ejs.RequestLogWriter:main: Opened C:\KBL\UnifiedReporting\logs\b4j-2023_04_20.request.log
But with "Access Denied" at the end.
The java(11) -jar process is running as a windows service installed with nssm. It usually happens when my program crashes for a reason and gets restarted, but it also happens if I try it for debugging manually, so I don't suspect the "old process" blocking file access while a new one is already spawned.
I hope this helps, sorry for not being able to supply actual log output for this one right now.
I had a similar issue with jOkHttpUtils2 where it was creating a weird folder in the temp dir with a number as a name for every download job and at some point needed to be removed to be accessible again.