Json parser changing order in Map
I am also experiencing this. The JSON reply string I have contains all the entities in a certain order, but when converting to a map the order gets re-arranged. All the data is intact, but the sequence of data pairs gets altered.
I have log'ed the initial string, the JSON object and the map conversion.
The first two (the string and the JSON object) show the same order; the map object alters the order.
Here is the snippet of code (note the log calls)
Sub hc_ResponseSuccess (Response As HttpResponse, TaskId As Int)
Dim res As String
res = Response.GetString("UTF8")
Dim JSON As JSONParser
Dim Map1 As Map
Map1 = json.nextobject
End sub
And the results (truncated for length and for privacy concerns -- this is live data) of the log() outputs:
{"Answer":{"ContractorID":"777","ShowID":"0123456789","IDCode":"81223","FirstName":""," <deleted stuff follows>
(JSONTokener) at character 438 of {"Answer":{"ContractorID":"777","ShowID":"0123456789","IDCode":"81223","FirstName":""," <deleted stuff follows>
(MyMap) {Answer={Phone=Opted Out, ShowID=0123456789, Fax=Interventional C, Country=(555) 555-8143, LastName= <deleted stuff follows>
Is there some way of controlling the output order, or am I missing something?