JSON Headache


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Sorry to post here but StackOverflow wont let me log in
I am having a very hard time understanding the JSON documents and get a map error on the example. Can someone help me to parse:

{"content": { "btitle":"Robeerrt" "author":"Bob" "publisher":"Bert" "other":"Nada" "chapters":"2"
"chapter0": {

"chapter1": {

"chapter2": {

I checked online tools and they all say its valid JSON but am having the worst time getting the parser to actualy parse the info and put the chapters into a map and the titles into a separate map to be put into a listbox. I am new to this object oriented programming so sorry if this comes off as a noob sort of thing :sign0013:


Licensed User
Longtime User
Looks like its nested into two JSON objects.
Dim JSON As JSONParser
Dim Map1 As Map
JSON.Initialize(JSONStringToParse) 'Read the text from a file.
Map1 = JSON.NextObject 
btitle = Map1.Get("btitle")
... so on for the first few objects
Dim JSON2 as JSONParser
Dim Map2 as Map
Map2 = JSON2.NextObject
chaptertitle = Map2.Get("title")
chaptercontent = Map2.Get("content")

This is what I THINK. I havent tried it.
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