B4J Question jssc.dll, B4JPackager and #CustomBuildAction: After Packager


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I'm using internal B4Jpackager in the latest B4J v10.20.
As I'm using jSerial, jssc.dll was unlocked and is copied to the bin folder with:
#CustomBuildAction: After Packager, %WINDIR%\System32\robocopy.exe, ..\ temp\build\bin\ jssc.dll
Then I run another bat script using
#CustomBuildAction: After Packager, C:\...\Objects\repack.cmd, param1 param2
This script, between other things, create a zip archive with the full app package (all folders).
If I run the script manually, using the same parameters, everything is ok, but through #CustomBuildAction, jssc.dll is missing from the created archive.

I observed that comparing with the other dll's in the package, jssc.dll is not digitally signed.
The archive is created using:
7z.exe a myapp_v%1_win_x64.zip  *
In which context the scrips in #CustomBuildAction runs? What can I do to include the jssc.dll file in the archive without manually running the script?

Thank you.