Getting some strange behavior (dunno if it's my behavior or the tableview).
If i run following code in debug mode, everything works as expected but in release (not obfuscated) i'm getting a NullPointerException.
This gives me the following log in release
and following log in debug
If i run following code in debug mode, everything works as expected but in release (not obfuscated) i'm getting a NullPointerException.
Sub Row_MouseClicked (EventData As MouseEvent)
If EventData.ClickCount > 1 Then
Log("EventData: " & EventData)
SQL1 = mDBaseConnector.ConnectToDBase("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver","jdbc:mysql://...")
Dim cur As ResultSet
Dim objGame As cGames
Dim Row As TableRow = Sender
Log("Row: " & Row)
Log("Row index; " & Row.Index)
Dim Items() As Object = exttvDocknode1Games.Items.Get(Row.Index)
Log("item 0 :" & Items(0))
EventData: (MouseEvent) MouseEvent [source = TableRow@42f4026e[styleClass=cell indexed-cell table-row-cell]'null', target = Text[text="07/01/2017", x=0.0, y=0.0, alignment=LEFT, origin=BASELINE, boundsType=LOGICAL_VERTICAL_CENTER, font=Font[name=System Regular, family=System, style=Regular, size=15.0], fontSmoothingType=LCD, fill=0xffffffff], eventType = MOUSE_CLICKED, consumed = false, x = 206.0, y = 14.0, z = 0.0, button = PRIMARY, clickCount = 2, pickResult = PickResult [node = Text[text="07/...Sender: null
Row: null
(NullPointerException) java.lang.NullPointerException
and following log in debug
EventData: (MouseEvent) MouseEvent [source = TableRow@400915ee[styleClass=cell indexed-cell table-row-cell]'null', target = TableColumn$1$1[id=null, styleClass=cell indexed-cell table-cell table-column]'20', eventType = MOUSE_CLICKED, consumed = false, x = 311.0, y = 18.0, z = 0.0, button = PRIMARY, clickCount = 2, pickResult = PickResult [node = TableColumn$1$1[id=null, styleClass=cell indexed-cell table-cell table-column]'20', point = Point3D [x = 39.0, y = 18.0, z = 0.0], distance = 1974.2548...Sender: flm.b4j.tableviewextended.RowWrapper@541e767a
Row: flm.b4j.tableviewextended.RowWrapper@541e767a
Row index; 1
item 0 :2