Just Curious


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I have an app that works fine. Just a simple test program that uses the AlarmService. I have an interval of every minute where the AlarmService searches a SQL Lite table to see if an event needs to be triggered.

The curious part is that if I compile in DeBug I never have a problem. But, if I compile in Release I receive an error that the Table is ReadOnly. Why? What difference could it make? So far it is not a big issue but then again it might be one of these days. Any insight would be appreciated.


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Where are you storing the SQL file? DirAssets is read only


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I store the SQL table in "/mnt/sdcard/Documents/test.dbc"

But, now I can not duplicate the problem. It may have because the table was empty and I inadvertently added a record at the same time I was changing the Compile methods. Not sure...

Thanks for the reply
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