Hi everybody,
I'am struggling with a HC05. The commando AT+NAME? reports a null name. In command mode (LED blinking slowly) i issued the command AT+NAME=MYNAME.
But the answer to name request is still null.
Does anybody have AN hint?
Does other AT commands work?
Apparently there are a few HC05 modules that either Don't have the right pin connected to 3.3v to enable AT mode or either simply Don't have a pin (in the module header) to set the AT mode.
Hi Cableguy,
Yes every command works as expected, the command mode turns on pressing the button on the board while power on. But must be something bad in the hardware. The permanent memory on the chip seems broken. The name is null and there is no way to fix. I had a small q.ty of them but this is the only one left. I'll use a professional adapter rs232-BT I have in my drawer.
Thank you! Nice to hear from you...