I've recently found a bug or whatever it is, related to software keyboard. The problem comes when I press the Backspace key. The app simply exits without any warning or error message. I've tested it on non B4A apps, and everything works fine. Sorry if the same or similar topis exist already, I've not found it or maybe missed it.
Thanks for any help!
Here is it... It's not yet finished, as you will see, so this is why there are some controls that do not do anything yet. Basically, this app is intended to be a replacement for a paper and pen when it comes to card games. For now, there is a layout for only one game there. More game layouts will be added as soon as this first will be finished. Also the app will be able to remember games statistics, such as no. of games played, player names, results of each game, when it was played, and so on. You will notice that the app views have some "strange" captions. It is in Croatian, so if you need an english translation for a better understanding of what the app does, just drop me a word or two and I'll translate it.
What you are doing is not correct, the "capture the back key" routine (starting in line #86) should be like this:
Sub Activity_KeyPress(KeyCode As Int) As Boolean
Dim Answ As Int
If KeyCode = KeyCodes.KEYCODE_BACK Then
Answ = Msgbox2("Zaista želite izaći iz programa?", "POZOR!!!", "DA. Želim.", "", "NE! Ne još!", Null)
If Answ = DialogResponse.POSITIVE Then
Return True
End If
End If
End Sub