I ported a small Dbase App to my MDA Pro. Wanting to search for Data cmd Find = add Search Criteria into the text box, my Keyboard icon on bottom Right goes to invisible. This means I am unable to add a search criteria and Search for data. What is needed to keep the Keyboard visible, on the MDA Pro?
Please, need help and or small Example.
Thanks to all for helping
There is an OS bug related to the disappearing of the keyboard in certain circumstances.
You can add a button instead and call SIP(true) to show the keyboard.
There is an OS bug related to the disappearing of the keyboard in certain circumstances.
You can add a button instead and call SIP(true) to show the keyboard.
Is it possible to start/show the keyboard in "numerical" mode rather than in alfabetic? I mean when I start the keyboard by a command SIP(true), I want that it be switched directly to a mode for typing numbers. I have tried the following
Yes, it possible to start/show the keyboard in "numerical" mode. How? thats a good Question. I think such help is posted on forum, if I am not mistaken. But to be honest, I am not in need of this function at this time.
I think Klaus, and Mr. Agraham will be very happy, to help answer your Question directly.