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<title>WebViewExtras demo</title>
[COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)]<script src='file:///android_asset/basic_kbda1.js'></script>[/COLOR]
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<td>Adds a <a href="http://developer.android.com/reference/android/webkit/WebView.html#addJavascriptInterface%28java.lang.Object,%20java.lang.String%29">JavascriptInterface</a> to a WebView.</td>
The JavascriptInterface is a Java object with methods that can be executed using javascript in your WebView.<br />
The Java object can execute Subs in your B4A application.
<!-- passing true or false to callUIThread seems to make no difference with this test
presumably displaying a Toast message does not modify the activity UI? -->
Click <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="B4A.CallSub('ShowKeyboard', true)">HERE</a> to Show a Keyboard in B4A demo code.
<!-- passing true or false to callUIThread seems to make no difference with this test
presumably displaying a Toast message does not modify the activity UI? -->
Click <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="B4A.CallSub('ShowToast', true, 'Hello from javascript')">HERE</a> to call a Sub in the B4A demo code.
<!-- CallSub(final String subName, final boolean callUIThread, final String parameter1)
callUIThread is passed boolean true as the acitivity UI will be modified -->
Click <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="B4A.CallSub('ToggleWebViewHeight', true)">HERE</a> to call a Sub in the B4A demo code that will change the height of the WebViews in this demo.
Click <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="alert(B4A.CallSub('GetString', false))">HERE</a> to call a Sub in the B4A demo code which will return a string to this page.<br />
A B4A Sub can only return a (string) value to the javascript if the CallSub() method is passed boolean false as <b>callUIThread</b>.<br />
<i>If the B4A Sub modifies the activity UI it cannot return a value to the calling javascript.</i>
<td><a href="file:///android_asset/web_view_extras_demo.htm">Back to index page</a></td>