A *.b4xlib library file can be unzipped and the code is in *.bas files.
You can also use this tool: B4XSources
The error might be related to debug mode (Debug.delegate(... ).
Do you have the same error in Release mode?
I read your previous post and this post, if you just would like to get keyslist, the simplest way is that put keys into a text file using FILE.WriteList, and then read them using FILE.ReadList
A *.b4xlib library file can be unzipped and the code is in *.bas files.
You can also use this tool: B4XSources
The error might be related to debug mode (Debug.delegate(... ).
Do you have the same error in Release mode?
Thanks, it was also working for me in example apps, but I get this error in my "old" app. I've been using KVS2 for a long time, and wanted to update it. Actually yesterday I found that the version of KVS I was using wasn't closing a resultset, and I found out about this new version of KVS., thinking it would be better to update. I removed all references to the old KVS2, and updated the app to use the new methods of KVS (the new one).
I cannot find a way to reproduce this error on another small example. I've tried "normal" old UI apps, and B4xPages, it works on both. I just get the error on the application I wanted to update.
I cannot find a way to reproduce this error on another small example. I've tried "normal" old UI apps, and B4xPages, it works on both. I just get the error on the application I wanted to update.
Are you sure you are not accidentally including another file that includes KVS functionality? The b4xlib that I use shows version 2.31 for KeyValueStore in the Labraries Manager tab. Looking at the produced keyvaluestore.java, line 282 is
switch (state) {
The line that is similar to your error message shows up at line 251 (I'm showing 250 and 251 below)
if (Debug.shouldDelegate(ba, "getmapasync", true))
{return ((anywheresoftware.b4a.keywords.Common.ResumableSubWrapper) Debug.delegate(ba, "getmapasync", new Object[] {_keys}));}