I am creating a KVS2 database. It gets created and when I add rows with a PUT
Sub Class_Globals
Type cntnts(Room As String, ItemType As String, ItemList As List)
Dim Contents As cntnts
Dim ItemNo As Int
End Sub
ItemNo = ItemNo + 1
Contents.Room = "RoomA"
Contents.ItemType = "normal"
kvs.Put(ItemNo, Contents)
The value of Contents is almost always empty in the database. Sometimes (randomly), there will be a valid value.
I've converted to the KeyvalueStore2 class so I could trace the INSERT or REPLACE command and the data is there. I've used TRY/CATCH around the INSERT
sql1.ExecNonQuery2("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO main VALUES(?, ?)", Array (Key, ser.ConvertObjectToBytes(Value)))
End Try
and NO ERROR occurs. The Value is correct and contains all 4 items at the point of the ExecNonQuery2.
The write to the table seems to go ok, but when I view the database, the Keys are all there (thus a row per key) but the VALUES are mostly empty...
This works the same way with both the LIBRARY and the CLASS...
Can the ser.convertobjecttobytes(Value) accept a list?
Any ideas or suggestions?