It had a close look at your project, there were different problems.
1. The quotes were missing.
2. You changed this line from the original program :
If FileName.Length >= 15 And FileName.ToLowerCase.SubString2(0, 9) = "tapecalc_" And File.Exists(ProgPath, FileName) = False Then
into this one :
If FileName.Length >= 15 And FileName.ToLowerCase.SubString2(0, 9) = "tapecalc_en" And File.Exists(ProgPath, FileName) = False Then
you added "en" and with this, the language files were never copied and therefore were missing.
I got he same error as you and was estonished why.
Then I put a breakpoint in the IDE, at the line above, and executed the program step by step and noticed that the language files existed but weren't copied, why.
Then I compared with the original and saw the differene, two extra characters.
3. The original program had the targuetSDKversion below 23.
You set it to 26, which means that you would have needed to add access permissions to access File.DirRootExternal, new Google rules.
4. I set the background of the Avtivity in the Designer to black.
The program was written quite some years ago when the default background color was black.
Google changes this with almost every new version.
As you want only english texts I removed all the multilanguage stuff.
No need for the AHLocale library, this was used to read the language setting of the device, not needed for you any more.
I removed the two library files from the projects Files folder. You should never add library files into this folder but in the AdditionalLibraries folder.
No need to read any text file. All the texts are hard coded, the relevant program lines were still in the origanal project as a reminder.
I removed the language files from the projects Files folder.
It was frustrating for me that I had to write some unpleasent comments to make you react.
So, now you got a solution to your problem and not only an answer to a question!
This thread is a good example illustrating why we helpers often:
- Ask what exactly the PROBLEM is and not just trying to answer a question.
- Ask that you upload the project or small project showing the problem.
Very often, the problem is not where you think it is but it somewhere else.
Without the project I wouldn't have found the problems.
Have you ever read this thread:
How to ask a question?
Or read this chapter
Ask a question in the forum in the
B4X Booklets?
And at the end a good point.
You tried first to modify the project on your own before asking for help. This is the right aproach.
Attached you find the modified project.