Share My Creation Kpss İlanları

This is my Android app, made with B4A.
It is a listing app for job opportinities.

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Licensed User
Longtime User
i like the name "ilan"lari, though i have no idea what it means :D

EDIT: ok got it "Announcements" (google translate)


Licensed User
Longtime User
i like the name "ilan"lari, though i have no idea what it means :D

EDIT: ok got it "Announcements" (google translate)
KPSS is a Turkish Exam for selecting people to state jobs. This app lists the exam announcements. Your name means announcement as you wrote =)


Licensed User
Longtime User
that means your name is nake not snake =)
This reminds me an old Turkish joke . Which is not so funny =)
We have a Turkish Charachter named Temel, he is mainly the head character of all Turkish Jokes.

Temel goes to a restaurant in USA and want to eat a Turkish Meal named : "Mantı" ( Turkish Ravioli ) he doesnt know english well but he know that logic means : "Mantık" in Turkish. So he orders Logi =)