Android Question KVS.remove and data persistence


Licensed User
Longtime User
Im using KeyValueStore (the new and recommended one) to store and load bytearrays ( representing device configuration backups)
Everything works fine, until i uninstall the app. Upon reinstallation, all the removed keys ( removed by KVS.remove ) come back, with their name and value intact.

KVS is initialized in Activity_Create in xui.DefaultFolder , which should be DirInternal if i'm not mistaken.

The database being still there after uninstall i can understand, by why it still has all the deleted keys?



Licensed User
Longtime User
What happens if you opt out of Android backup feature?

SetApplicationAttribute(android:allowBackup, "false")
I have to test some more, but seems to have worked, the deleted keys no longer come back?

Is there a way to keep the auto backup, and maybe "force" a syncronization after an entry is deleted/added to KVS?
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