This is strange. If I create a label and never define a TooltipText, the tooltip does not show up at all. If I define the TooltipText as an empty string "", it shows up as a small empty tooltip.
In my project, I change the value of the tooltiptext depending on what the program is doing so sometimes I redefine a tooltiptext to an empty string but then it shows the small empty box. If I define it as the B4J Null (no quotes), then it shows up as "Null"
If you want to remove the tooltip this code will do it
Dim RemoveToolTip As JavaObject
Dim theNode As JavaObject = lab ' the node with the tooltip
If later you want to add one back, just use the tooltiptext method as normal
Great, thank you very much!
I definitely would not have found that one by myself...
But at least I understand what it does, it replaces the label with a new one.
I tried it on a button and it works too.