I'm using LargeDisplay in iOS13, but when the page display appears the title shows in standard mode, then if I scroll the tablview the title became large.
How can i display it immediatly large?
Code used:
I think it's tableview fault, because if i comment all the initialization part of it, the large titles displays immediately
I'm using LargeDisplay in iOS13, but when the page display appears the title shows in standard mode, then if I scroll the tablview the title became large.
How can i display it immediatly large?
Code used:
Sub navigationBarApperance(Controller As NativeObject, Page As Page, LargeTitle As Boolean)
If Main.App.OSVersion >= 11 Then
Dim noNavigationBar As NativeObject
noNavigationBar = Controller
noNavigationBar = noNavigationBar.GetField ("navigationBar")
noNavigationBar.SetField ("prefersLargeTitles", LargeTitle)
If Main.App.OSVersion >= 13 Then
Dim noNavigationBarAppearance As NativeObject
noNavigationBarAppearance = noNavigationBarAppearance.Initialize ("UINavigationBarAppearance").RunMethod ("new", Null)
noNavigationBarAppearance.RunMethod ("configureWithOpaqueBackground", Null)
noNavigationBarAppearance.SetField ("backgroundColor", noNavigationBarAppearance.ColorToUIColor (Colors.White)) 'Colore della navigation bar
Dim mapInstance As Map
mapInstance.Put ("NSColor", noNavigationBarAppearance.ColorToUIColor (Colors.Black)) 'Colore del titolo
noNavigationBarAppearance.SetField ("titleTextAttributes", mapInstance.ToDictionary)
noNavigationBarAppearance.SetField ("largeTitleTextAttributes", mapInstance.ToDictionary)
noNavigationBar.SetField ("standardAppearance", noNavigationBarAppearance)
noNavigationBar.SetField ("scrollEdgeAppearance", noNavigationBarAppearance)
noNavigationBar.SetField ("barTintColor", noNavigationBar.ColorToUIColor (Colors.White))
noNavigationBar.SetField ("tintColor", noNavigationBar.ColorToUIColor (Colors.Black))
'noNavigationBar.SetField ("translucent", True)
End If
If LargeTitle Then
Dim noViewController As NativeObject = Page
noViewController.GetField ("navigationItem").SetField("largeTitleDisplayMode", 1) 'always
End If
End If
End Sub
I think it's tableview fault, because if i comment all the initialization part of it, the large titles displays immediately
Public Sub Initialize As Page
page5pg.Title = "Chat"
page5pg.HideBackButton = True
tv.Initialize("tv", True)
page5pg.RootPanel.AddView(tv, 0, 0, 100%x, 100%y)
tv.RowHeight = 65 'must set RowHeight before adding custom views.
tv.AddSection("Family", "")
For i = 0 To 2
Dim tc As TableCell = tv.AddSingleLine($"Pino ${i}"$) 'Usare il paramentro di AddSingleLine per metterci il Firebase ID!!
tc.ShowSelection = False
tc.CustomView = CreateItem(True, "Pino")
tv.AddSection("Others", "")
For i = 1 To 10
Dim tc As TableCell = tv.AddSingleLine($"Jack ${i}"$)
tc.ShowSelection = False
tc.CustomView = CreateItem(False, "Jack")
Main.NavControl.NavigationBarVisible = True
General.navigationBarApperance(Main.NavControl, page5pg, True)
Return page5pg
End Sub
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