@Erel: : can you briefly explain why it didn't suffice to copy (from an earlier version of B4A's Internal libs) the above listed files to current Additional folder?
I seem to recall that Additional supersedes Internal when it finds identical named files.
In my original attempt I avoided same-name files at all renaming OkHttp to A4OkHttp and OkHttpUtils2 to A4OkHttpUtils2 (changing its Manifest accordingly), but failed.
I ask this to have a better understanding of the inner workings of those libs and their relations.
I guess OkHttpUtils makes use of OkHttp which in turn calls okhttp-x.y.z and finally okio-x1.y1.z1
Is there anything hard-coded which prevents the simple copy into Additional folder of older libs to work?
@JakeBullet70 's solution works well (as much as having installed an old copy of the B4A IDE), so this post is just to heighten my knowledge.
As a wish, you may want to make it available a lib encompassing all that is needed to compile for Android 4 devices. It will be useful for those not having an earlier B4A version handy. Yes, I know where the Wish section is in our Forum