Layout Scaling


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Here's the problem -- Up to now I've been developing for a single device (am using an Evo 4g). Now that I've gotten the programming bugs fixed I want to create layouts for other devices. I've been starting with a 7" tablet that has the same resolution as the Evo, but apparently a different density or something because I can't get the layout to work right when I test it on the tablet. So, what do I need to read to fully understand how to make the necessary adjustments? (After I've done that I'll come back and start asking more focussed questions.) Thanks.


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Thanks to you both.

I've read both posts (and will need to read them again as I implement them -- probably more than once). The designer scripts feature seems very useful. I had been doing something similar in the actual program with an initialization sub, but its not as flesible as the designer scripts seem to be.

A question I have about the scripts is can I use a "standard" layout file? That is, the principle layout I've created is for a 4.3 inch screen with a resolution of 480 X 800. Can I use that and use a script to do the scaling?

Also, with one of the apps, I want the layout to fill the screen for small screens, but only fill the center of the screen on larger devices. Can I do that with designer scripts or should I make that variation from within the main code? Do designer scripts support If...Then and Select statements?

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A question I have about the scripts is can I use a "standard" layout file? That is, the principle layout I've created is for a 4.3 inch screen with a resolution of 480 X 800. Can I use that and use a script to do the scaling?

You should use 320x480, that way it will scale fine on any device.

In this case, you can create a panel the size of the "small" screen and center it on the screen, on a small screen it will fill the available space, on a large screen it will center it.

Just a few ideas.
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OK. I have an app that runs as it is supposed to on my Evo. The app has a "main menu," the last item of which is to Exit (executes "Actrivity.Finish"). I've used a designer script in the first activity to test it on my tablet. However, now neither "Activity.Finish" nor "ExitApplication" work. Half the screen (where the ListView "main menu" was displayed) clears, the bottom portion remains the set background color of white and the device home screen does not appear. Any ideas why and how to fix?
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Never mind. I found a solution (I disabled the ListView and its panel and that works).
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