Hi guys,
I really apologize for the trivial question but clearly there must be something fundamental I am missing in the layout design.
I have attached a sample program. The layout has one panel and the panel has 2 labels.
I would like to place label1 for half the width of the panel and label1 same size and left position equal to to the label1. basically each label should take half the size of the screen (the panel has both hor and ver anchors so it actually gets resized to the activity screen).
I have tried many combinations but I did not find anything that works. for example if I set both labels with "<->" anchor, I get the below effect. Is there a smart way to do that?
actually my real goal is to do the same with two customlistviews because I would like to have them covering each half of the screen..(the tests with the CLV are showing the same results..).
any help is really appreciated..
thanks in advance.