After having read the "getting started" PDF file it still remains a bit unclear to me on how to deal with different screen resolutions: how to center controls ? What is the impact of the LCD density ? ...
Is there any document or post that could clarify these issues ?
To be more specific: it is the example on p.72-73 of the PDF that is unclear to me.
could it be there is an error on p.72 ? The H/W ratio of 240/320 (first resolution) should be 4/3 and the one of 320/480 should be 3/2...
It seems both ratio's have been switched ? With this correction the example becomes clear ...
Also: it seems as if the layout should scale automatically (in width) ? On a quick test I did it did not seem to scale at all.
could it be there is an error on p.72 ? The H/W ratio of 240/320 (first resolution) should be 4/3 and the one of 320/480 should be 3/2...
It seems both ratio's have been switched ? With this correction the example becomes clear ...