I need to lead the user to certain system setting when install my app, for example this:
But nothing happen with this code, where I'm wrong? I tried also this:
Same thing... It shows a blank setting page.
I know that the use of that setting is deprecated but my app use sensor in background and some phone, expecially Huawei, stop the working when in sleep mode.
Any suggestion? Thank you
Dim in1 As Intent
in1.Initialize("android.settings.REQUEST_IGNORE_BATTERY_OPTIMIZATIONS", "package:" & Application.PackageName)
Dim JO As JavaObject
in1.PutExtra("app_uid", JO.InitializeContext.RunMethodJO("getApplicationInfo", Null).GetField("uid"))
in1.PutExtra("app_package", Application.PackageName)
But nothing happen with this code, where I'm wrong? I tried also this:
Dim in1 As Intent
in1.Initialize("android.settings.REQUEST_IGNORE_BATTERY_OPTIMIZATIONS", "package:" & Application.PackageName)
Same thing... It shows a blank setting page.
I know that the use of that setting is deprecated but my app use sensor in background and some phone, expecially Huawei, stop the working when in sleep mode.
Any suggestion? Thank you