B4A Library Leadbolt Ads


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hi timo,

sorry to hear that. I get some errors too at times, but not too many on leadbolt... most of them are with airpush.

lets try to solve this one...

1 - downloaded the latest library for B4A and Leadbolt from leadbolt's site?

2 - made the new changes in the new library : adLeadbolt.AsynchTask = True needs to be added before adLeadbolt.loadLeadboltAds

3 - what device are you using? i've had force closes normally in htc evo and samsung galaxy s.

4 - could you post your leadbolt part code?

5 - is your apk ready? you can post it here or pm to me... i can give it a try on my device, an LG P500 phone.

6 - could you give one of my games a try, see if you get force close there also: https://market.android.com/details?id=com.madelephantstudios.volleyballtapp&feature=search_result

Lets try the above first... then we see how it progresses... hope we can fix this one fast

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You game runs ok on my phone (Galaxy Next).
I will check the list tomorrow.
Just a question: On my Referenced libraries only LeadBoltWrapper appears (not LeadBoltController). Is that correct?


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hi timo,

ok, so it is no issue with the phone then.

You should have both Wrapper and Controller in the library list. I just realised they forgot to include the controller in the zip file.

I have attached the controller from their previous zip file. Please add these to your extra libs!

all the best... let us know if it works out fine...


  • LBController.zip
    32.2 KB · Views: 319


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EDIT: Newer library and instruction are added on page: http://www.b4x.com/forum/additional-libraries-classes-official-updates/12002-leadbolt-ads-27.html

Ok. I have made this little How To. Later we will add some more help and If I forgot to add something.

As is said in LeadBolt zip files:

This zip package provides a wrapping library to allow basic4android users to include the leadbolt publisher sdk within their basic4android applications.


1. You must have a basic4android account that allows inclusion of 3rd party libraries (Basic4android (Basic for Android) - Android programming with Gui designer)

2. You must have a LeadBolt app publisher account (This is my ref link to http://www.leadbolt.com)

3. You must have accessed your leadbolt account to register your android app and have created ads, retrieved the relevant section ids.

4. From the help/faq section of the leadbolt portal, you must have downloaded the latest (version 2.0 and above) LeadBolt android publisher SDK (LeadboltController.jar contained in SDK zip).

To download zip file for B4A simply login in Leadbolt and go into HELP/FAQ and there click on App Developer Frameworks and there is: Using Basic 4 Android and adding LeadBolt to your Android app

The following needs to be completed in the basic4android IDE

1. Unzip the LB_basic4android_lib.zip file and copy all unzipped files (including the *.xml files) to the additional libraries path of the Basic4Android IDE.

2. In the Basic4Android IDE, add a reference to library LeadboltController.jar and LeadboltWrapper.jar in your project.

3. Add the relevant code to display LeadBolt ads within your app. Following is the typical code for adding ads to your Basic4Android project:

Dim adLeadbolt As LeadboltWrapper

adLeadbolt.AsynchTask = True
'set adLeadbolt.ADS_APP for app sdk ads or adLeadbolt.ADS_NOTIFICATION for notification ads
adLeadbolt.loadLeadboltAds("YOUR_SECTION_ID", adLeadbolt.ADS_APP)

4. In "Activity Properties" of the Basic4Android IDE Project menu, untick "Full Screen" and "Include Title".

5. In the Basic4Android IDE, Tick "Do Not Overwrite Manifest File" in Project menu.

6. Go to "Your Project Folder\Objects\" and open "AndroidManifest.xml" file, set android:anyDensity="false" and save.

7. Run your application in the Basic4Android emulator to check you see LeadBolt test ads. See screenshot:

In Leadbolt you can choose what kind of ad you want to show in app. Screenshot:

Going Live
Once your app is working you can now go-live with real ads.

1. Access the LeadBolt publisher portal and for your app click the go-live button if present.

2. Your app will be submited for approval and once approved will receive live ads.

Attachments in this post is:
  • - LeadboltWrapper.jar
  • - LeadboltController.xml
  • - LeadboltWrapper.xml
  • - LeadboltController.jar


  • lb_android_sdk_basic4android_v1.02.zip
    3.6 KB · Views: 297
  • lb_android_sdk_v2.06.zip
    39.8 KB · Views: 266
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Perfect, thanks!
Just two stupid questions:

1 - When you are in 'create new app', 'App/Site URL' should be the link where the App will stay for selling or it could be a 'parking' link and then you can place it elsewhere later?

2 - What does it mean, under 'Placement type', App Ad(SDK) / Notification (SDK) / App Banner (HTML) ?

(sorry, but my english is not as good as I would like to understand a little bit more)


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As I understond (not my English very good)

'App/Site URL' first put just like 'parking link' and when you have app somewhere online on market or Amazon or somewhereelse then you will put real download link (when make ads active, not in test mode)

App Ad(SDK) - is this method as I described two post before( How To)
Notification (SDK) - I think that this is ad which will be shown into notification bar of phone (I didn't yet test it)
App Banner (HTML) - This is showing add like in web view or something similar

Hope You understand me


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Yes, the above seems right.

App Ad are similar to ads like admob, but it is more powerful than admob. You can setup the "design" part of app ad in the leadbolt's site. They have fullscreen ads and the other banner ads. You design and configure your ads appearance in the leadbolt console.

Notification ads are like airpush ads. They are shown in your notification area. They can be configured as normal once display or recurring display (repeats after X hours) . Excellent money maker this one

App banner is what I started off first with them. You create the add, and a html code id given to you. You then add a webview in your app, and the webview is coded to show the html code that leadbolt gives.

Hope the above is clear!


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I'm getting crazy with that thing. I followed 10 times the instructions but no LeadBolt test ads appears in the simulator.
I have a doubt: I saw in your code a declaration of a view as 'AdView': If i try to put such a declaration this type is not recognised. I have both libraries checked.


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the choosing is done on the leadbolt site.

which type of ad are you planning to add? let me know and I will try to guide you step by step....



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I think I have missed a step....
What i am doing is to try in local compiling my App (no connection to Leadbolt). But now I have the doubt that this is not the right way even to reach the test AD in simulator?


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Hi all,

Here is a step by step guide (picture-less) to setting up banner ads in your app:

Hope the below will help you. This sample will create a banner advertisement at the top of your app.

Steps (just let me know if you hit any problems at any step):

- create a new app in lead bolt...

- then select Add Ap: App Ad, you will be in tab called "basic info"

- key in your ad name (can be anything)

- click the "choose" button under "from library".

- click on "banner slots" and then choose the banner size (for example 320 X 50)

- u will be back to "basic info" screen

- docking: choose top or bottom.. for this example, choose top

- margin = 0

- ad format = text or banner ads

- multivariate = allow

- click "add now"

- copy the section id: 12345678 , then click ok

Next refer to the attached sample program , remember to add both the leadbolt wrapper and leadbolt controller library and xml file in your extra libraries folder.

Run the program... let me know if you hit any issue. It should show you test ads.

Good luck!


  • LeadboltTemplateAppAd.zip
    5.6 KB · Views: 234


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What settings do you have on the Leadbolt Notification ads?
Recurring or On Demand? If on Recurring, what settings for time do you use ?

Thanks for your time.


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I always use both in my apps.

On demand to show the ad at least once at start. Then recurring is scheduled a couple of hours later, repeating between 2 to 4 hours.

Test which combination works best!

Good luck!
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