Reference the screenshot below.
Can anyone tell me what the colors mean in the left sidebar. They are between line sequence numbers and code. In this example they are obviously green and yellow. AND, are there any other colors that I have not seen yet.
Thank You.
BTW, I recommend you to avoid writing such code. You should avoid repeating the same code or similar code multiple times.
Dim booleans() As Boolean = Array As Boolean (MissesField.Text <> Null, ProctTB.Checked, False, SDQToggle.Checked, ...
For i = 0 To booleans.Length - 1
Dim v As String
if booleans(i) Then v = "Y" Else v = "N"
ScoringTable(CurrentShooter, (CurrentStage * 10) + i + 1) = v
'deal with MSFld which is special