there is also a lot of information on the net,
I started with MySQL and i found that SQLite is basically the same.
let me know if you need help, I'll be happy to
(just send me a PM)
SQL is a collection of tables all packed into one file, in the attachment I created 4 tables
they are separate tables but they can be linked together, in my example I've used the Owner name as the common denominator in the Dog table
If you look at the Sales table you see the ID, I just used the ID from the Dog table, that way i have all the information available in the table
so the Dog name in the Sales table can be populated also (same goes for the breed & age)
for training you could give an average grade fror all classes followed.
Also you don't need to put everything in one table you can leave everything in their own tables,
The application would select and calculate what needs to be shown.
If I has to make such an application I would have it create all the enrties once I add a new dog,
So looking at the image, I would have the application fill out "Dog" table, using my entered data,
When I get to the owner I could enter the information (populating the "Owner" table) Or selecting an owner
because this person is already in there there is no need for me to enter it again.
I hope this helps.
Also, for me the quickest way to make a sqlite DB is to use "SQLite Manager" Its a FireFox extention and allows you
to create add change etc, should also help you in understanding how SQL works
it can be found here :
When you are up to it you can use this too to create the DB the way you want it once that is complete it
you can use you app to read/edit the data.
Good luck