Share My Creation Lets Quiz B4J API

hi all

for a very long time (1,5 year) i worked on a very big project. it is a full quiz API project. I did not worked on in continuously and had very big breaks but now i am planning to release it to the world.

There is only 1 person here that knew about this project because i did not want to show it until it is finish but now i am showing it to show you the real Power of B4x.

so what is it?

it is a big QUIZ Api framework where people can add question via dashboard and get them to their apps.
the idea is to have many users and like this increase the questions amount as much as possible in any language that is available.

why would i need something like this?

well the answer is simple. if you create a quiz app you would like to get every x period new question because after a while the app will be boring. now you can use my API to receive any time new question without updating your app.
it does not need to be only trivia question it can be used in many many scenarios like creating a Driving learning App where the end user need to answer driving questions or it can be used for students where they get question to learn for an exam and one or more students can upload the question -> create a group id -> share with other class inmates and study for the exam (this is what happened to my daughter)

where can it be used?

it can be used in mobile apps, websites, for private people, businesses, schools,...
for example in a business: you want to create a quiz to check if the applying person for the job is suitable for you. like creating a digital quiz and let him take it or in schools.
it can be used in many scenarios.

what is already done?

- the DASHBOARD is already finished (took me a lot of work, over 30 classes and many many Javascript!!)
- b4x - apps for API testing
- over 300 questions in different categories added
- back-end (MariaDB) already working on my MacMini (Ubuntu)

what else do i need to do?

- create real/store ready XUI - B4x apps and share them for free (at least 2) so people can download and see how to use the API (Github)
- create a nice Website
- support more native language real/store ready examples (JAVA, NodeJS, PHP, Python, Swift) and share for free (Github)

the server is currently running on my Mac Mini where i have also UBUNTU and Mac OS installed so currently now it is running and you can test it under:

The b4j server was running on UBUNTU that was installed on my mac mini. unfortunately i am also running b4i server on this mac and when i wanted to build a b4i app i had only 1 mb free on my hard disk. Me not thinking went into Disk Utility and saw a partition that had 18 gb. don't know why, i deleted that partition and fu**** up my mac. after 3 days recovering the mac with a fresh new os i now need to installed everything again to run this server. i hope i will do it in the next days and you all can test this API.


Let me know what ya think?

(EDIT: There is a lot going on in the background even though you cannot see it in the video. there is really a lot work behind this API)


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Licensed User
Longtime User
I feel you. People cannot see what's behind the scene. The backend API logic, security, authentication, routing, test and test, support for cross platforms and as a non frontend developer, one need to find solution for javascript, design mindset to make a intuitive and user friendly modern UI/UX. What people sees is just the frontend presentation that look simple and easy to create. They will never imagine what's under the tip of iceberg.
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