B4A Library [Lib] CoverFlow v2.0


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TOP-Lib :sign0087:


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Hi NJDUde,

U have to populate not with 1 image but whit more.

I just test it with 860 images and it work.


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I see, well, then I suggest you change this line on the demo to make it clear:

Carousel.PopulateCoverflow(File.DirRootExternal, "Images2")
Carousel.PopulateCoverflow(File.DirRootExternal, "<YOUR_PICTURES_DIRECTORY>")


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Hi NJDude,

Sorry I forgot to change this line.


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Hi. How can i show the images with the correct aspect radio? My images have ever same size, and they are streched.

Thank you.


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Hi everyone,
is it possible to add an image hosted on a server to the coverflow gallery but "on the fly"? without downloading to a folder.



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Hi everyone,
is it possible to add an image hosted on a server to the coverflow gallery but "on the fly"? without downloading to a folder.

I am thinking the same way as Rorry. It would be wonderfull to select the how to populate the coverflow: SD or an array. Anyway this library is awsome!.


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i agree with you,this library is just awesome gives an impressive side to your app. i decided to download files in a folder before populating the gallery but it's a bit too long.

So,no other choice than adding this function in java to the original project of neil davies then compile it for B4A.


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Hi Lonelystar, very nice lib, works perfect for me!
Just a small sugestion, use "CENTER_INSIDE" or "FIT_INSIDE" instead of "FIT_XY", this will maintain the aspect ratio of the images, and will make the coverflow more dynamic to use different sizes of images


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Hi @lonleystar!
I'm using your library with satisfaction in a new app that I developing and it works fine (Main activity).
I'm trying to use the library within an esxisting project with multiple activities module.

The problem :
I'm using the cover flow object within an activity that is different from the "Main" but the cover flow interface doesn't show without any warning message (the PopulateCoverflow do nothing in this case.)
There is some limitation using this object in activities that are not the Main activity ?
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