B4A Library [Lib] UltimateListView


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Will you share source code for all libraries? Without the source code it's kind of dangerous or impossible to use libs created by others in projects that are published in play store as there is no updates in case of problems.
Good point. As long as I continue to maintain ULV, the sources will remain only on my disk. If I consider abandoning the product, I will no doubt publish them. In any case, I won't leave users with a product that can't be fixed.
Free distribution of ULV does not mean terminating support for existing donors or abandoning the product in the near future.


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Since this library became free, can we post here if we encounter problems when using ULV?


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Has anyone an idea how to get the ULV_ItemTouch event to register?
is there a setting in the setup of the ULV perhaps?
I don't see it and I get no response at all to:
Sub ULV_ItemTouch(Position As Int, Action As Int, X As Int, Y As Int, TouchedPanel As Panel)

Fantastic product, by the way!

EDIT: Seems this event does not fire but I realize now that it is the Layout Panel Touch Event that I need to listen for.
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Just add the event. There's nothing more to do. For example, add this to the tutorial #1 and look at the log window when you touch the item:
Sub ULV_ItemTouch(Position As Int, Action As Int, X As Int, Y As Int, TouchedPanel As Panel)
   Log(Position & " " & Action)
End Sub
For a cell, the corresponding event is CellTouch.


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Just add the event. There's nothing more to do.

I had done that. But it never fired. I had a label in the Layout panel that was really what I wanted to read and it was getting the clicks and touch events.
The Label Touch event does not pass through to the ULV, of course.
It was the Label Touch Event that I needed to listen for.

By the way, I tried the Gesture Detector on the label to read a DoubleTap but I had no way to get the ID or Position from the Gesture DoubleTap Sub.
I learned that I could create a DoubleTap sequence directly on the label Click event and retrieve the Sender in code (storing the ID in the .tag property).

Hope this makes sense.

And it is all working well, thanks.



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Are u initializing the ulv with event name "ULV"?


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I am so sorry. My mistake. I had tried the ItemTouch not the Touch event.

The Touch event works fine but it does not do what I wanted it to do. It does not provide a means to determine the ID or Position of the Item.
Originally, I was trying to get the ID or Position from the ItemTouch event, which does not fire, for some reason.

So now I get the label contained in the layout and in the label_click event I read the Sender and get its tag property added in the ContentFiller sub.
It works.

Thanks for you help
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