Hello, I'm trying to reduce my apk size, to facilitate this task would be interesting has a new column in the libraries Manager with the size of the library. Ej: fileprovider 500kb
Your request is not very practical because the size of the actual libraries is insignificant. The size increase comes from other dependencies and these dependencies are shared by many libraries.
It was with 10mb I could reduce to 7.7mb. My request is because I saw some libraries can be very large (more than 3mb), example this excellent library wrapped by johan:
I have created a wrapper for the ManateeWorks SDK. You can download the APK from here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/mp3wqayepuxj9e2/manteeb4awrapper.apk?dl=0 I have registered for evaluation purposes that are valid until 17 July 2017. My licence key has been hardcoded in the library. This is the...
Libraries are generally selected to provide primary functionality in an application. Since when does one sacrifice primary functionality for a few Mb of app size?
That is to say, I haven't since the days of machines with a (very)few Kb of memory