Wish Libraries


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Why are these so hard to find and download?
Unfortunately I had to wipe my PC and start again with a fresh install of B4A.
All downloaded and up and running within an hour no problem.
Now, all of my previously downloaded libraries have obviously gone and getting them back is a real faff!
The logs section shows me all of the missing libraries which is helpful so why cant the Libraries Manager be used to download the them?

Alexander Stolte

Licensed User
Longtime User
so why cant the Libraries Manager be used to download the them?
Because there is no central server where everyone can upload and manage their libraries.
The IDE knows only for the online registered libs. in which thread you can download them.

But you're right, it would be useful to be able to open the libraries that are missing from the IDE using the online database link to download them, that would make the search easier and faster.

Alexander Stolte

Licensed User
Longtime User
All the maintained libraries are listed in the online index and clicking on the blue version in the IDE will take you to the library thread.
But this assumes that I already have this library in the list.

He said why the IDE can not download the libraries automatically, then there must be a central server where they are located, where the IDE can get them.


Well-Known Member
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Unfortunately I had to wipe my PC and start again with a fresh install of B4A.
Now, all of my previously downloaded libraries have obviously gone and getting them back is a real faff!

Next time I'd suggest doing what I do and put all of your libraries and class modules into a folder in your Google Drive.

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