Ok, step by step. Let's take Erel's sample. Unlike my description is long, a process requires 5 minutes.
B4i libraries are written in Objective C. You need to use a Mac with Xcode and you need to know Objective C. From my experience it is more difficult to write B4i libraries compared to B4A / B4J libraries. Libraries are made of three files: library.a, library.h and library.xml. The xml file is...
Download libraries.zip, extract files, move iAdMob folder to desktop.
Click iAdMob. Inside you will see iAdMod.xcodeproj. Click it (this starts XCode).
First of all, open Build Settings for project and correct:
1) Architectures -- Architectures
Select standard architectures instead of armv7.
2) Architectures -- Valid architectures
Enter arm64 x86_64 armv7 i386
3) Deployment -- IOS Deployment Target
Select IOS 8.0
Then open Build Phases for Target iAdMob
Remove copy items (we will use another pathes).
Take a look a tree with files. Add file iCore.h from your Libs and remove previous link.
Take a look top left corner of XCode window. Click 'iAdMob', 'Edit schemes'. Select 'Release' for Run button (an icon as a big arrow
Then select Generic IOS device as target device ('combobox' near 'iAdMob'). Click Run button.
Find 'Products' section in the tree of files. Right click over libiAdMob.a. Select 'Show in Finder'. You will see a file. Rename it to libiAdMob1.a and move it to Desktop.
Change Generic IOS device to (for example) iPhone 11 Pro Max and compile again. Rename libiAdMob.a to libiAdMob2.a and move it to Desktop
Start app Terminal. Type
cd ~/Desktop
lipo -create libiAdmob1.a libiAdmob2.a -output libiAdmob.a
Check platforms
The answer should be
Architectures in the fat file: libiAdmob.a are: i386 armv7 x86_64 arm64
Then you copy libiAdmob.a and iAdMob.h to Libs folder.