Wish library lookup inside the project folder


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Longtime User
Mornin' Erel,

Can you tell me where B4A is actually looking for additional libraries?

According to the Path menu it's the B4A libs folder & a user defined additional libs folder.

Does it also look in the current loaded B4A file's folder or B4A_folder\libs or \libraries ?

It would be nice it it did a lookup in the project folder aswell.

Here's some reasons why.

When copying a project over to another machine you always have the project required libraries there in the project folder, no need look them up and copy them to the B4A or add. libs folder.

When people on the forum request help and do a File > Export to zip it doesn't contain the library files either and sometimes it's a real struggle to find back the right libraries especially when some libraries have simular names.

Edit: actually the same goes for modules, classes etc.

would be cleaner if these were kept in



the root folder becomes quite a mess in larger projects

Edit2: the above for modules works already, just move it to the right folder and re-add it to the project.

Edit3: darn, at compile it copies the .bas modules back to the project root so we're back at the start :/
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Licensed User
Longtime User
An alternative would be for the 'Export to ZIP' menu item to offer an 'Include additional libraries' option.
The exported zip would then also contain a folder of additional (not core) library files.

That said i would like to see an additional 'project specific additional libraries folder' setting in the IDE.
So there'd be the existing 2 library locations: in Program File sub folder and in the existing IDE additional libraries folder.
And optionally each project could define a third library location just for that project.
This would also benefit from the above 'export with additional libraries' option.



Licensed User
Longtime User
thought about that aswell (the 3rd configable folder) but since I never use "new project" but always copy some existing project to a new folder it will be confusing for me as I need to remember to change that parameter again.

a read out of a libs or libraries folder inside the project folder would make more sense and since it's already there it's easily added to the zip when exporting.


Licensed User
Longtime User
I also agree with Sorex, that a more formal project structure would be a lot better (even for small projects) also the copying of the included files to the root is quite annoying.
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