I like to use something similar. Maybe i have an answer:
adb shell input tap x y
With this command You can simulate tap with adb manager, maybe wey can use this with cmd Shell.
Sub SimularTap(x As Int, y As Int)
Dim shell As Shell
' Prepara el comando para simular el tap
Dim comando As String
comando = $"input tap ${x} ${y}"$
' Ejecuta el comando
shell.Exec(comando, Null, 0)
End Sub
' Evento de respuesta del Shell
Sub shell_Result(Success As Boolean, Result As String)
If Success Then
Log("Comando ejecutado correctamente")
Log("Error al ejecutar el comando: " & Result)
End If
End Sub
' Llama a SimularTap con las coordenadas deseadas
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
SimularTap(100, 200) ' Cambia las coordenadas según
tus necesidades
End Sub